Burgers. Fries/Onion Rings. Loved Ones.

I am currently snuggled up on my couch with my favorite plush blanket.  I have several pumpkin candles lit (I may have an obsession when it comes to pumpkin scented things) while I listen to the Alohomora Podcast and write this post.  It may be an early Thursday for a young woman of the age of 23 but I had an extremely eventful and fun night with loved ones.

To give you a little background before I tell you about my evening, I will tell you about my time working at Magnolia Square Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.  I have worked at Magnolia for 5 years (in November) and I have met wonderful people through working there.  During my time at Magnolia I have gotten to know one of my best friends in the world. His name is Joseph* and he is my friend.  He is also 86-years-old.  He is a very loving man who still cares for his wife of 62 years within the facility.  He loves her greatly.  This is part of the reason I have so much respect for him.  He came to my college graduation.  That really touched my heart, I cried! He and I have had many in-depth and surface level conversations.

Any way, due to circumstances Joseph had to move to Magnolia last month.  So I decided to take him out this evening to watch our facility softball team play at a local ball field.  My dad also plays on the ball team as well because he is close friends with the facility.  Joseph and I went to Steak n’ Shake and had steak burgers and onion rings (Joseph)/french fries (ME!).  We enjoyed each others company.  Joseph has been in four different wars.  He wears a hat that shows the four wars in which he served in the Navy. While we were there quite a few people came up to him ad thanked him for his service.  He blushed a little as people thanked him.  This made me happy.

We then proceeded to go out to play/watch softball.  Even though the team lost (that is nothing out of the usual) Joseph had a great time and we had a great time simply because he was there.  I got to spend my evening when a group of people that I love and I am content with that.  Most people my age are getting ready to go out but not me I spent an early evening out and I loved it.

*Joseph is not his real name, due to confidentiality I will be using a psuedonym